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The processing of King Oyster mushroom

2016-03-22 09:15:00

Processing is not only the key link to guarantee the quality of mushroom products, but also the hinge to guarantee reputations.
1. Dried: King Oyster mushroom is suitable for drying and it has crisp, tender and fresh flavor. Before drying, stipe and pileus slices should be proceed by the demand of edible fungus drying. Good dried products should be white, cream colour and have a good appearance.
2. Canned: King Oyster mushroom is not perishable because of its crisp flavor. Canned King Oyster mushroom has good flavor and still remains crisp and tender flavor. The way of canning is also different.
3. Salting: specific method is in accordance with the demand of purchasing units.
   General method: tidy mushroom bodies in accordance with demands and requirements, put into boiling water after grading, ladle out quickly and put into cold water, use sifter to squeeze excess water. Salting in proportion to mushroom and salt, after 10 to 15 days, do inverted engine to avoid corruption.