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The production facility for Hericium reveals high efficiency (500g from a stick)

2017-06-27 16:53:07

Recently, a group of technical staffs from Beijing Agricultural Technology Promotion Station and Shunyi Vegetable Production Service Center went to Hailin City, Mudan River, Heilongjiang Province for on-site learning and communication. According to know, the group mainly investigated on open-field production status of Black fungus and Monkey head mushroom in Mudan River. Revealed by information, Hailin City and Dongning City are two county-level cities as well the largest mushroom bases in Heilongjiang Province, the annual mushroom production value exceeds 4 billion CNY. Besides, Monkey head mushrooms produced from the two cities hold large size and tender texture, the first flush could reach above 300g while each stick could produce 500g or so, and its average price is 20 CNY per kg, which indicates favorable benefits.
With the company of local leaders, the group visited 200 local Monkey head mushroom bases which incorporate unified stick production and scattered fruiting management, the annual stick production totals above 5 million bags, the annual sales volume on fresh mushrooms adds up to at least 1 million kg while the production value on each greenhouse comes to 100,000 CNY or so. Furthermore, 4000kg of Monkey head mushroom powder could be annually produced, which facilitates lifting industrial additional value and propelling about 276 households to grow prosperous. (Source: Beijing Agricultural Technology Promotion Station.)