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Three kernels on mushroom fertilization

2017-04-08 08:33:11

1. Optimum period: The nutrients in compost are needed during the growth period of sporocarps, major part of nutrients are generally consumed after each batch of fruiting, therefore, it is optimal for mushroom farmers to fertilize on fungus bed during the pile-turning period. In addition, during the immature stage, sporocarps hold certain absorption function to outside nutrients, hence you should also moderately fertilize during the bud stage.
2. Reasonably match and apply fertilizer: The growth of mushroom not only requires a mass of Nitrogen, Carbon, Potassium and other elements, but also wants certain amount of trace elements. In addition, Cytokines, Gibberellin and other growth hormones play the crucial influence to the growth of mushroom, in consequence, during the fertilization course, mushroom farmers should match and alternate fertilizers in a reasonable way.
3. The concentration of fertilizer solution should be moderately prepared: Too high concentration of fertilizer solution hampers the normal growth of spawns while it is difficult for a too low one to exert its due effect. Among common solution, the concentration of organic fertilizer solution should be mastered at 2% or so. The concentration of Carbohydrate should be in 0.1%-0.3%, the concentration of urea should be in 0.1%-0.3% and the concentration of Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and other inorganic salt should be in 0.05%-0.1%. Lastly, the concentration of auxin varies from variety to variety and it is generally controlled in a range of 0.5-5ppm. (Source: The Agricultural Information Web of Jiangsu Province, China)