Sundry fungus contamination may arrive in each links of Oyster mushroom cultivation, hence you should control them in time so as to avert tremendous losses.
1.Bacteria: Quick spreading is one of the characteristics of bacteria contamination, it usually comes out 10-24 hours after the inoculation.
Control measures: Strictly sterilize on inoculation tools and compost by rule.
2.Green Mold and Trichoderma: The damage of Green Mold is common seen in stock strain and cultivation strain. After the invasion, it quickly spreads into spawns and covers on the surface of compost. Trichoderma occurs during the formation period of sporocarps, when you find the two disaster, be sure to dig the contaminated part out of mushroom house and then sterilize in routine.
3.Neurospora: It usually comes out in high-temperature season in summer. It produces large amount of red powdery spores. For some strains contaminated by Neurospora, you should timely eliminate, thoroughly clean strain bottles, soak in 0.05% of Potassium permanganate water and finally sterilize before reapplication.