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Another raw material for Oyster mushroom cultivation

2017-02-17 16:22:49

Biogas residue owns comprehensive nutrient, loose texture, good performance on preserving soil moisture and moderating PH Value. It is a kind of superior compost for artificial mushroom cultivation. Compost used in mushroom could be utilized again as the fodder of pig or cow. Pig manure and cow dung could be utilized as the fermenting material of biogas.
Oyster is one of mushrooms which holds largest cultivation area and high yield. Utilizing biogas residue on cultivation makes for getting high success rate, stable yield and considerable economical benefits.
1. Season arrangement: The cultivation period and growing period of Oyster mushroom that belongs to high temperature type is in April to August, August is the suitable season to cultivate Oyster mushroom which belongs to medium and low temperature, and picking could be arranged in next June.
2. The selection of material: there are many varieties of raw materials that could be used in Oyster mushroom cultivation such as crops, corncob, peanut hull, sawdust, straw, dried mushroom residue, bagasse, vegetable leaves, all kinds of manure, biogas residue and fungi residues, you should choose materials which are fresh, dry, free from mould and sundries.
3. Scientific dosing: Agriculture straw such as corncob 53%, sawdust 53%, straw 53%, biogas residues or fungi residues 30%, rice bran or wheat bran 10%, peanut bran 2%, gypsum powder 1%, lime powder 2%, compound fertilizer 2%, the proportion between material and water is 1 to 1.25.
4. Bagging: Mix all mentioned materials well in polyethylene plastic bag that holds the specification of 22cm*45cm*10cm and sterilize under atmospheric pressure for 10 hours.
5. The management of spawn sunning: After conducting the inoculation, you could realize spawn running both indoors and outdoors. You should remain the highest temperature in under 28 degrees and frequently check the temperature of fungus sack. When finding that the temperature is higher than 28 degrees, you could immediately turn heaps and avoid the damage to spawns. In normal conditions, spawns become fully grown in 25 to 30 days.
6. Fruiting management: During the period of fruiting, people should retain frequent ventilation, leave no dead angle and guarantee certain scattered light.