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Learn to arrange the season on Shiitake cultivation

2017-01-06 16:07:33

“Sooner rather than later” is applied in winter and spring Shiitake cultivation. In general, the superior inoculation and fungi sack-making period of winter cultivation is from November to the end of next February. The optimal period of spring cultivation is from the first ten days of January to the last ten days of March. Too late inoculation time should be avoided as it will bring about high temperature, low success rate and high infection rate, it also hinders the colouring of fungi sack, the physiological maturity of spawns and raise the difficulty of over-summering. The preferred period of inoculation in autumn cultivation is from the last ten days of August to the end of September. The temperature varies from place to place, hence you should flexibly master and inoculate in under 30 degrees.