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Recipe: fish meat and Shiitake porridge

2016-12-17 15:23:55

Ingredients:Shiitakes, fish meat, rice, celery, salt, pepper powder, ginger slices
Cooking method:
1. Wash rice, soak in water for a while, then remove into the pot, combine with 8 times of water and then cook.
2. Thinly cut fish meat into slices, pickle with a dash of salt and pepper powder for a while.
3. Remove the bottom portion of Shiitakes, rinse and then cut into slices.
4. Wash celery and then cut into dices.
5. When the porridge is well stewed, drop in Shiitake slices, fish meat slices, ginger slices and bring into a boil, then allow for another 5 minutes.
6. Combine with celery dices and then lightly season with a pinch of salt.