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Why Oyster mushrooms grow so tardy?

2016-11-21 15:30:14

Reason 1: The inadaptation both on strain and cultivation season: Oyster mushrooms become unadapted when you choose to cultivate High-temperature Type in winter, the main features refer to tardy spawn running, late fruiting or even failure on spawn running and fruiting, therefore, Low-temperature type should be chosen in winter cultivation of Oyster mushroom. Similarly, in the peak season of Oyster mushroom meaning spring and autumn, High-temperature type should be chosen.
Reason 2: Undesirable environmental condition, which leads to poisoning: Sundry fungi are easy to breed in the dark room with poor ventilation or the insanitary room. In a word, when you choose the field for mushroom cultivation, give priority to the clean one where owns considerable ventilation and certain scattered light.
Reason 3: The contamination on compost: A large area of contamination, failed fruiting or poor fruiting occurs after you use raw materials that are contaminated and caked or add excessive urea and fertilizers when preparing nutritional material, hence choosing the compost which is clean and free from caking. It should be looked out that certain amount of urea should be added in stacking fermentation while urea and Nitrogen fertilizer should be avoided in raw material cultivation.
Moreover, the phenomenon of poor fruiting occurs after you choose the compost which has been stacked for too long time or is highly acidic, therefore should be avoided.