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How to manage during the fruiting period of Monkey head mushroom?

2016-08-30 13:55:02

Monkey head mushroom not only has delicious taste, but also has the efficacy of curing stomach illness and it is a kind of rare edible and medicinal mushroom. In order to successfully cultivate Monkey head mushroom, people could firstly know about its biological characteristics, which refer to the external environment that is needed during the fruiting period of Monkey head mushroom. Here are four main points:
1. Temperature: the ideal temperature during the fruiting period of Monkey head mushroom is from 12 to 20 degrees. When the temperature exceeds 25 degrees, it will cause malformed mushrooms.
2. Light intensity: 300 to 600 lux of scattered light is needed during the fruiting period of Monkey head mushroom. Too strong light will inhibit the growth of sporocarps and too weak light will easy to cause malformed mushrooms.
3. Humidity: during the fruiting period of Monkey head mushroom, people could control the humidity in between 75% and 90%. A mist of water should be sprayed and it is improper to spray directly on tiny buds or it will cause water stain, bring to a halt to growth and cause malformed mushrooms. When people find that the sporocarps of Monkey head mushroom appear yellow and withering, it means that the humidity is too high. In addition, it is noteworthy that normal mushroom bodies present white and fresh.
4. Air: Monkey head mushroom is a kind of aerobic fungus and it is sensitive to carbon dioxide. During its growth period, coralloid malformed mushrooms are easy to happen in the negative conditions of poor ventilation, anoxic and high humidity. What’s more, people could also pick mushrooms in due course, too early picking will affect the yield and too late picking will affect flavor and quality.