cembn@outlook.com or CEMBN_MARKET@HOTMAIL.COM


Delicious fish head soup with Gastrodia elata

2016-05-12 09:12:46

Ingredients: fish head, Gastrodia elata, Chinese dates, ginger slices, tofu, medlar, salt
Cooking method: 
1. Wash fish head.
2. Add two bowls of water and add Chinese dates, Gastrodia elata, then boil for about 40 minutes.
3. Add moderate oil, ginger slices, fish head into the pot and fry, the ladle out.
4. Add fish head and water into the pot and boil for 10 minutes till the soup becomes white. Finally add tofu and bring into a boil.
5. After boiling, turn into soft heat, boil for 20 minutes, add medlar and moderate salt. 