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Techniques of cultivating Gastrodia Elata in cellars

2016-03-31 14:02:14

1. Site selection: the preferred site is with thick soil layer, loose and fertile soil, good permeability of subsoil, in nightside or in partial shade, good drainage, potential of hydrogen between 5.5 and 6.0.
2. Soil preparation: remove branches and weeds, pick up stones, turn up the soil for 3 to 4 times and level off the ground.
3. Dig cellars: 
① cellars should be digged in sand land, where is lack of rain, with high temperature, has no accumulated snow. The depth of cellar is 30 centimeter and the width is 70 centimeter, unlimited length. But intervals between each cellar must be 10 centimeter.
② Half cellar suits Mid-levels where is sandy loam, has good permeability, has fewer rainwater and high temperature. The depth of cellar is 30 centimeter and the width is 70 centimeter, unlimited length. But the interval between each cellar must be 10 centimeter.
③Ground cellar suits places where has worse permeability, deep accumulated snow, more rain or once cultivated Ginseng.